Wednesday 23 February 2011

Looking for FARM FRESH chickens raised naturally & humanely??

Does the idea of confined chickens cramped together and raised on hormones & antibiotics to gain weight quickly and which ultimately end up on your plate disgust you???  Then you've come to the right place!!!!

As apposed to "factory farming" to produce broiler chickens and "battery hens" to produce eggs, me and my hubby will be raising our chickens the way our Creator intended!!! Our Creator NEVER EVER intended for chickens, or any other farm animals for that matter, to be confined.  (Read more about this in my article "What does our CREATOR say??")

We will be raising pastured chickens that feed on the foods they were meant to eat. NO pre-packaged feed laced with antibiotics or steroids .... ONLY natural food that their instinct tells them to eat!!!  And what is the end result??  Happy & healthy chickens of course which is far more nutritious than those confined in factory farms!!!

Pastured chickens are cared for gently and humanely and are nourished by fresh air, sunshine and the diverse forage of the pasture/open field. Reflecting their natural diet, the MEAT of pastured poultry is tastier, juicier, leaner and also rich in micronutrients, vitamins (particularly A, C & E) and minerals. It also has a greater percentage of health-promoting fats, including twice as much omega-3 fatty acids. The EGGS produced by pasture hens  lookfeeltaste different from the "conventional" ones you buy @ your local supermarket and are much more nutritious. The shells are much stronger while the yolks are orange and not flat like what most people have become accustomed to. And trust me ...... once you've tasted the REAL McCoy (the way chicken/eggs are meant to taste) you'll never go back to the supermarket again!!!

So, say "goodbye" to unnatural steroid raised chickens/eggs today and "hello" to our natural grass-fed pastured chickens/eggs!!! 

If you are interested in tasting our farm fresh chickens/eggs, please contact Wanette Harris on

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